Getting started

I grew up on a farm in New Zealand, one of a (very) large family. It is therefore pretty tricky to get many details about my early years.

When it was my turn to have kids, I decided to keep a bit more of a record and started diaries for both my children (now 7 and 5).  Unfortunately, life happened, other things got in the way, and they got consigned to the back of a drawer.

However, finding the diaries inspired me to try again.

I had a pretty straight forward childhood. We were expected to muck in and get on with things. Being transplanted in the UK, I’ve found that not everything translates, so I hope you bear with me while I find my way in this parenting business.

My starting point is that we’re all basically making it up as we go along so if you’re looking for advice, this isn’t the right place (I relied heavily on the fact that kids can’t remember their early years)!

I find parenting hard work, but there is gold in all sorts of moments (when I take the time to notice them).



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