Why will my teeth fall out?

I was playing dentists with my daughter (her choice!) and she was showing me how to say ah (so relieved she has confidence in my abilities!).

During her demonstration, I noticed she had an adult tooth starting to peep through behind her baby ones. After a bit of excitement and some awkward contortioning for a selfie so she could see, we booked a trip to the dentist.

All good, nothing to do but wait for the baby teeth to fall out. Let the anticipation commence…

About a week later, eating an apple after school, she discovered that a tooth was wobbly. The excitement! I think half the school heard her news! There were smiles, lots of experimental wobbles, and her brother offering to help take it to the next step!

However, a few hours later at dinner she was distraught. Turns out she didn’t want to get big teeth.

It is hard to tell whether that was pain in the moment or something else – fear of growing up? Do 5 year olds consider such existential issues? Tooth fairies and the potential for money were no comfort (not sure I blame her).

All I know is that almost two weeks later, the tooth was still wobbly and no apples have been requested!

Photo by paul morris on Unsplash

Have you been faced with a similar crisis?

3 thoughts on “Why will my teeth fall out?”

  1. I remember being around 5 when I suddenly understood death / life being finite…..all I could express to my parents (in tears) was that I didn’t want to grow up > they didn’t comprehend that it was because I was scared of dying, just thought I liked being a kid. So I wouldn’t be surprised if she connected some big dots!


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