Why can’t we see any fish?

One of my brothers and sister-in-law were over from New Zealand recently. Their kids are at university and they’ve taken the opportunity to explore (that feels very distant just now). It was pretty exciting getting a visit from the Kiwi family. The last visitation was two years ago when my dad was over.

We decided to take them and the kids to Paris (Grandma’s offer of babysitting was received after we’d booked the tickets).

The day of departure dawned. The excitement levels were at feverish. The kids had been looking forward to the “under the sea” train for weeks.

My son was given a small card model of the Eurostar to make up while we were going through security. It gave us a few moments of quiet while he constructed it, and then showed the other children waiting in line how to do theirs.

Then he had a brilliant idea.

Which we were left waiting for while he took off purposefully.

Like Oliver, he was asking for more (one for his sister and one for him)… oblivious to the other travellers who were trying to get the representative’s attention.

Turns out he’d worked out how to join the two together so he had a ‘proper’ Eurostar.

And yes, there was a lego train built once we got home

Unfortunately, his hopes were dashed once he’d realised we wouldn’t be seeing fish when we went through the tunnel.

I decided against suggesting he speak to the engineers about some improvements…


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