What’s a loin cloth?

On our final day in Paris we had to abandon our trip to Versailles due to strikes, so instead we convinced the kids that a trip to the Louvre would be fun.

To spice things up a bit, I suggested a challenge.

We had to decide a thing we’d look out for and count how many pieces of art we saw where it appeared.

I proposed animals – thinking it was a pretty safe bet. My daughter immediately piped up and said she wanted to count the number of “no clothes people”. She could already see three…

Alternative suggestions were rejected.

Unsurprisingly, it very quickly presented difficulties in the antiquities section as the kids started debating (loudly) whether strategically placed linen counted as clothes…

I caught myself wondering at what age I’ll be an embarrassment to them and whether my dad still has the woolly pompom hat he used to wear on the netball court sideline…

Is this 5, or was that 6...?
Is this 5, or was that 6…?

Luckily, my son decided animals were a better option (we abandoned counting after 102) and my daughter was distracted from naked people after she hit 13… I’m not sure I could have coped with much more art appreciation.

Sound familiar? What’s your tactic for extricating yourself from similar situations?

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