E-bikes, the way forward?

Over the summer we managed our first trip out to NZ post-Covid. Three years is quite a long time in kid years, and, as well as hanging out with family, we also managed to do some sightseeing.

This included a trip to Stewart Island, which is almost five times bigger than the Isle of Wight, but with 400 people (vs 141,000 in case you were wondering), 28km of roads and next stop Antarctica

On our first day, we went for a walk “to the beach”. I hadn’t been specific about which beach though, and we ended up on a bit of an adventure.

Three and a half hours later, I think we might be turning the corner with the kids.

They managed the trek very capably, with minimal moaning, although there was quite a lively debate about who would be sacrificed first to assuage the hunger pangs…

Up til then, our daughter has been more of a reluctant walker, some might say (if they’re looking for a charitable description).

The walk was brilliant.

However, we decided not to push our luck two days in a row and so hired some e-bikes for a tour around the island.

We saw brilliant, and raised it to epic!

Both kids discovered ‘turbo’ pretty early on, and could be seen effortlessly hooning down and (most importantly) up dale.

The only problem is that it could be the only way to cycle…


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