What is independence?

My son (12) recently arranged a meet up with his ‘bus buddies’. It started off with ‘mum, do you think it would be alright if…’

While that lead in isn’t itself unusual, this was the first time there was no parental involvement in logistics at all.

This meant details were very vague.

Oh, we’re meeting at the shop around 4.45 on Sunday.

What time does it close?

I’ll look that up…

This wasn’t helped on the day by us deciding to visit family and his phone having a flat battery. But rule number 2 is don’t panic and he managed to deal with both curveballs.

Questions about when he’d be back revealed the lack of logistical (any?) awareness, as it was apparently going to be 30 minutes after he’d planned to meet – a very quick ice cream and march home??! We generously suggested he could have a bit longer…

He returned triumphant, navigating a broken card machine, and having met some family friends on the way home (so we got their view too).

The ice cream was excellent – and plastered all over his chin.

While I have long suspected he has tastebuds located there, I’m not sure it advanced his street cred!

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